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Structured Sales Consulting Customer Experience Excellence

The Structured Sales Consulting Customer Experience Excellence Award provides recognition for an organisation that has achieved outstanding results through key initiatives that demonstrate leadership and commitment to excellence in customer experience.

Entry to this Award is open to all organisations across the corporate, government, community and not-for-profit sectors in Australia that have a significant footprint in Western Australia.

In preparing entries, organisations should include details of one or more major customer experience initiatives, for example:

Judging Criteria:

In determining the winner of this Award, judges will consider the extent to which initiatives described:

PASt Winner

City of Fremantle - Testimonial

What inspired this project and when was it implemented?

The City embarked on a customer service improvement program to improve the way the City of Fremantle delivered customer service as a whole. Community perceptions data and customer satisfaction surveys showed 70% customer satisfaction for all council services, which clearly indicated there was room for improvement

How do you feel about winning the award?

It was excellent recognition and reward for our customer service staff who have fully embraced the challenge of improving our service and worked tirelessly to improve the experience for our residents and ratepayers.

What are the priorities for the City of Fremantle in 2021 and beyond?

The ultimate goal in our customer service improvement journey is to have people of the City of Fremantle valuing their Council highly and commonly articulating their pride in their City and its Governance.

The shift to developing a customer centric culture within the organisation and placing the customer at the heart of every transaction remains ongoing. The city will continue to review and improve our customer service processes and procedures as part of a continuous improvement process with the overarching goal of making it easier and more convenient for customers to contact and interact with the City. Our top priorities are

Jay EllisĀ 

Manager Customer Experience and Learning

Customer Service Excellence Award Winner 2019/20


Each Award category will comprise of a judging panel of between six to eight business leaders with expertise relevant to the Award. The judges will consider entries against the stated judging criteria and produce a shortlist prior to determining the category winner. For more information click here.


The recipient of this Award will receive leadership and management training to the value of $20,000 to donate to a charity of their choice*, as well as an engraved Pinnacle trophy.

*Refer to the Eligibility Criteria and Terms and Conditions.