Will you be one of chosen few? 

illuminance Solutions Emerging Business Excellence

The illuminance Solutions Emerging Business Excellence Award recognises organisations that have been operating for less than five years and in that time have advanced as leaders in their field.

Entry to this award is open to organisations across the corporate, government, community and not-for-profit sectors in Australia that have a significant footprint in Western Australia which have achieved outstanding results that demonstrate leadership and commitment to excellence in business.

In preparing entries, organisations should include details of one or more major new business initiatives, for example:

Judging Criteria:

In determining the winner of this award, judges will consider the extent to which initiatives described:

PAST Winner

Starling Energy Group - Testimonial 

Being recognised as an emerging business leader at last year’s AIM WA Pinnacle Awards was a humbling experience. Starling Energy Group was the proud recipient of the Media Stable Emerging Business Excellence award for our commitment to rewrite Australia’s energy future.

What started initially as a small, passionate project in the South West, has today grown into a thriving organisation across Western Australia that advocates and implements climate change through providing a cleaner, greener battery storage energy solution to its 300 members. The future is solar batteries, and the future is bright!

Starling Energy Group lived up to its mission and put money where our heart is by partnering with the Carbon Neutral Charitable Fund for our $20,000 prize donation, who support the mission to have a positive impact on our planet and our future.

April Welsh - Account Manager

Emerging Business Excellence Award Winner 2019/20


Each Award category will comprise of a judging panel of between six to eight business leaders with expertise relevant to the Award. The judges will consider entries against the stated judging criteria and produce a shortlist prior to determining the category winner. For more information click here.


The recipient of this Award will receive leadership and management training to the value of $20,000 to donate to a charity of their choice*, as well as an engraved Pinnacle trophy.

*Refer to the Eligibility Criteria and Terms and Conditions.